
We strive to offer you the best in-season produce available.  All produce is grown in Ontario, most within a 100km radius of our farm. When peaches and cherries are in season, we source them directly from the Niagara region. Close proximity to our growers ensures our produce retains its best flavour, colour and nutrients since there is no warehousing, benefitting you in cost savings and outstanding taste. 

We know our growers personally, good things do grow in Ontario!


Beacon Hill Farm is pleased to offer our farm fresh poultry three times each season.  Our poultry is raised on our organic farm where we “graze” our chickens and turkeys, encouraging free-range behaviour which in turn, creates poultry that tastes richer with a firmer texture. Our birds eat only non-GMO feed!


Eggs have been a staple product at the farm for years.  Our hens roam outside during the day and enjoy non-GMO feed and non-traditional treats.  A hot summer day will find our birds enjoying a cool watermelon or cantaloupe!

Pork & Beef

Our pork and beef products are raised on a small farm, situated within 60 kilometers.  These animals are treated ethically and humanely, raised naturally in loose housing leading onto green pastures.  It is clean meat and antibiotic free unless deemed necessary for the well-being of the piglet or calf.

Baked goods

Beacon Hill Farm Market offers a variety of baked goods provided by Armstrongs Bakery, A Dutch Touch, Red Cat Bakery and Beacon Hill. Fresh multi-grain, whole wheat and white bread in addition to dinner rolls and biscuits stock our shelves every Saturday. Boterkoek will satisfy any sweet tooth and there is always a stock of our famous pizza dough in the freezers.


As the seasons progress, Beacon Hill Farm Market offers a vast selection of canned goods with everything from jams and jellies to pickles and specialty products.  When fresh fruits arrive at the market we begin with a selection of jams and jelly's using only honey as our sweetener, resulting in the most flavourful of spreads.  Once summer is at its height we begin processing jars of our famous Anitpasto using the freshest and finest ingredients. In addition to Beacon Hill products, we carry Bayfield Berry jams and jellies, another high quality item that uses less sugar than your regular spreads.


We welcome Spring with an amazing selection of flowers and herbs, all locally grown and turned into stunning planters and hanging baskets.  If you're looking for specific colours, sun or shade loving varieties, we have everything to beautify your home.  At the height of the growing season we offer fresh cut flower arrangements to complete your "farm market" experience! Come Autumn, watch for large planters of colourful mums.


“We wouldn’t expect you to use it in your homes if we don’t use it in ours!”

We offer a curated selection of home keeping goods that compliment our mission of sustainability. Throughout our 2023 season you will see items that not only instill a sense of joy when being used, but are effective tools in maintaining a household. If you’re keen on reducing food waste, look to WECK jars for a long lasting and elegant way to embrace food storage. We’re proud to be the first Canadian retailer of Pincinox, a high quality stainless steel clothespin from France. These will hold your towels on the laundry line on the windiest of Bruce County days! Be sure to check out all our home keeping goods on your next visit to Beacon Hill.